郝风云,王志罡,张文璟,张子鸣,段旦.气体地球化学勘查在覆盖区找矿的应用——以新疆金坝金矿为例[J].地质找矿论丛,2024,39(4):536-543 |
气体地球化学勘查在覆盖区找矿的应用——以新疆金坝金矿为例 |
Application of gas geochemical exploration to area with cover-A case of Jinba Au deposit in XinJiang Uygur Autonomous Region |
投稿时间:2024-05-15 |
DOI:10.6053/j.issn.1001-1412.2024.04.011 |
中文关键词: 覆盖区找矿 气体化探 CO2、SO2异常 构造裂隙 |
英文关键词:ore prospecting in covered area gas exploration anomalies of CO2 and SO2 structural fracture |
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中文摘要: |
新疆哈巴河金坝金矿具有隐伏矿体多、地表覆盖层广的特点,给勘查工作带来较大困难。相对于水系、土壤地球化学勘查异常范围较大、指示性较差的情况,采用气体地球化学勘查的手段对金坝金矿区进行CO2、SO2气体测量研究,为缩小目标靶区、探求隐伏矿体提供更多依据。探矿工程实践证明,CO2、SO2气体地球化学异常与矿体分布有很好的耦合关系,气体地球化学勘查可以较准确反映覆盖区隐伏矿体的信息,且具有异常明显、范围较集中的特点,是适用于金矿覆盖区勘查工作的有效方法。 |
英文摘要: |
Jinba Au deposit is located in Habahe county, Xinjiang Autonomous Region with extensive surfacial cover and ore bodies generally burried. River sediment and soil geochemical survey here are difficult due to the extensive cover and lack of indicator. Therefore gas geochemical method is applied to Jinba area for reducing target area and providing more evidence for exploring burried ore body. CO2 and SO2 are measured and anomalies outlined. Burried ore bodies encountered by drilling are well coupled with the anomaly. Gas exploration is characterized by clear anomaly and concentration of the anomaly thus provides accurate information of burried ore body and is suitable for prospecting in areas with thick cover. |
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