Soil geochemical anomaly chatateristics and indicative targets in Chaolin polymetallic property of Genhe city, Hulunbeier, Inner Mongolia
中文关键词:  土壤地球化学  异常特征  找矿靶区  内蒙古
英文关键词:Soil geochemistry  anomaly characteristics  prospecting area  Inner Mongolia
高洪生 天津市地质调查研究院, 天津 300191  
徐方 天津市地质调查研究院, 天津 300191 xuf0815@163.com 
李旭东 黑龙江省自然资源调查院, 哈尔滨 150036  
杨圣坤 天津市地质调查研究院, 天津 300191  
万广欣 天津市地质调查研究院, 天津 300191  
陈浩辉 天津市地质调查研究院, 天津 300191  
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      内蒙古呼伦贝尔根河市潮林地区属中山丘陵森林景观类型,土壤较发育,土壤层位齐全,分层明显,应用土壤元素地球化学方法找矿具有天然的优势条件。工作范围确定在该区域上的1个12潮Ht-6异常套合较好部分,根据异常走向确定测线方向为东西向,取样网度100×40 m,面积14.61 km2。采样层位为B层下部至C层上部,采样深度一般为35~60 cm。采样物质为残坡积黏土、亚黏土、砂质土、砂土等,样品加工粒度为-5—+40目。组合元素异常的空间分布特征由单元素异常的分布特征、元素的相关性分析等方面进行总结,圈定出地球化学元素组合异常29处,对区内的组合异常进行分类,划分出3个乙3类异常、12个丙2类异常和14个丙3类异常。通过对组合异常的研究,进行异常评序,优先选出3个有潜力的矿致异常,分别为潮13Ht-2组合异常、潮13Ht-12组合异常和潮13Ht-21组合异常,并对这3个组合异常进行解释,为下一步进行深部工程验证工作提供技术依据。
      Chaolin area is located in medium hill area with forest landscape. Soil is relatively developed with clear and complete soil layers. It is advantagous to apply to element geochemical prospecting. The working area lies at nesting part of Chao 12Ht-6 anomaly. According to extension direction of the anomaly EW survey line is laid out with sampling grid 100×40 m. The surveying area is 14.61 km2. Sample was collected in the interval between lower part of layer B and top part of layer C. The sampling depth is 35-60 cm. The samples are composed of residual slope clay, sub-clay, sandy soil and sand etc. The procession mesh is -5-+40. Characteristics of integrated anomaly spatial distribution are summarized based on analysis of single element anomaly characteristics and the element correlation. Then is outlined 29 integrated element anomalies of which 3 are classified as anomaly B-3, 12 C-2, 14 C-3. The integrated anomalies are assessed and ranking of them is made. Three optimum ore-caused integrated anomalies are pick up i.e. Chao 13Ht-2, Chao 13Ht-12 and Chao 13Ht-21. The anomalies are detaily interpreted to provide tecnical basis for laying out check workings to depth.
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