Geochemical characteristics and significance of V deposits in black rock series in east Guizhou province
中文关键词:  黑色岩系  钒金属层  微量元素  稀土元素  地球化学特征  贵州
英文关键词:Black rock series  V-ore bed  trace element  REE  geological characteristics  Guizhou province
基金项目:贵州省新一轮找矿突破战略行动地勘基金项目(黔自然资函[2022]632 号)资助。
鲜绍军 贵州省有色金属和核工业地质勘查局地质矿产勘查院, 贵阳 550005  
罗俊峰 贵州省有色金属和核工业地质勘查局地质矿产勘查院, 贵阳 550005 363964899@qq.com 
刘玲 贵州省有色金属和核工业地质勘查局, 贵阳 550005  
蒲庆隆 贵州省有色金属和核工业地质勘查局地质矿产勘查院, 贵阳 550005  
摘要点击次数: 23
全文下载次数: 11
      This paper deals with sedimentary environment and ore-forming process of V deposits in black rock series in east Guizhou province. Samples are collected systematically from shale of hanging wall and foot wall of V ore layers and analyzed REE and trace elements with inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry. The result shows that the V-polymettal-bearing beds are deposited under anxic reducing enbironment and V ore bed is formed during rising of sea level under influence of hot water. The V mineralization is over printed on normal diagnenesis and is closely related to sub-marine hydrothermal activity and depth of the sea water. V ore bed is very similar to the shale of hanging and foot walls in respect of element migration and redistribution etc. during diagenesis, epegenesis and even supergenesis.
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