Geological characteristics and resources potential of chambersite deposit in Jizhou district, Tianjin city
中文关键词:  锰方硼石矿床  地质特征  找矿标志  资源潜力  天津蓟州
英文关键词:Chambersite deposit  geological characteristics  prospecting mark  resources potential  Jizhou district of Tianjin city
朵兴芳 天津市地质调查研究院, 天津 300191  
屠立鹏 天津市地质调查研究院, 天津 300191  
胡海博 天津市地质调查研究院, 天津 300191  
王林海 天津市地质调查研究院, 天津 300191  
杨圣坤 天津市地质调查研究院, 天津 300191 569590820@qq.com 
郭立君 天津市地质调查研究院, 天津 300191  
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      蓟州锰方硼石矿床分布在天津市蓟州区东北部,共发现东水厂、前干涧、坝尺峪、大安平等4个矿产地。矿床均产于蓟县纪高于庄组二段,受地层控制,为沉积改造型矿床,成矿期次为高于庄期。矿体多呈透镜状、扁豆状、饼状、串珠状、不规则团块状。矿石矿物主要有锰方硼石、菱锰矿、黄铁矿、赤铁矿、黄铜矿、硬锰矿、软锰矿、褐铁矿等,脉石矿物主要有铁白云岩,次为石英、长石、黏土矿物等。围岩蚀变主要为碳酸盐化、电气石化、弱硅化等。通过1∶5万水系沉积物地球化学测量,共圈定出编号为Ht-1、Ht-2的2个矿致综合异常区,并发现了对应的矿化点。通过研究典型矿床,得出该地区"含锰页岩"是直接找矿标志,Mn、B、As单元素地球化学异常及Mn-B-As综合异常是有效的化探标志。通过对锰方硼石成矿地质特征和典型矿床剖析,总结锰方硼石资源潜力预测要素,结合地质、化探信息建立预测模型,运用综合信息地质单元法圈定5个预测区,采用含矿地质体体积法估算锰方硼石的潜在矿产资源量为295×104 t。
      Chambersite occurs in Jizhou district and the ore occurrences have found at Dongshuichang, Qianganjian, Baqianyu and Daanping etc. Chambersite ore occur in Member 2 of Gaoyuzhuang formation of Jixian Period. The body is controlled by strata. Geneticaly the ore is sedimentary-reworked type formed in Gaoyuzhuang Stage. Ore bodies occur in lense, lenticle, cake, string of beads and irregular mass. Chambersite, rhodchrosite, pyrite, hematite, chalcopyrite, psilomelane, pyrolusite and limonite are the ore minerals, Fe-dolomite, quartz, feldsoar and clay minerals gangue mineral. Carbonization, tourmalinization and weak silicification are the wall rock alteration. River sedimentation geochemical survey at scale 1:50000 shows the ore-caused anomaly Ht-1 and Ht-2 and two ore occurrence corresponding to the above anomalies are found. Compared with typical chambersite deposit we consider that manganiferous shake is direct mark, single element anomaly of Mn, B and As, the Mn-B-As comprehensive anomaly, the effective geochemical mark for prospecting chambersite deposit in the area. Based on metallogenic geological characteristics of the chambersite deposit and analysis of typical Chambersite deposit this paper summarizes prediction elements of the mineral resources and uses geological and geochemical information to build the prediction model. Five targets are outlined with comprehensive information geological unit method. The potential chambersite mineral resources in the area is estimated to be 295×104 t with the method of volume of the ore-bearing geological body.
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