Seismic sequence analysis of Early-Middle Jurassic Series in Heshituoluogai basin, Xinjiang
中文关键词:  地震勘探  层序地层  下中侏罗统  和什托洛盖盆地  新疆
英文关键词:seismic survey  sequential stratigraphy  Early-Middle Jurassic series  Heshituoluogai basin  Xinjiang
马小平 中国地质大学构造与油气资源教育部重点实验室, 武汉 430074
吐鲁番金源矿冶有限责任公司, 新疆 昌吉 831100
新疆地矿局第一地质大队, 新疆 昌吉 831100 
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全文下载次数: 637
      Study on seismic sequential stratigraphy is of great significance to building stratigraphy frame, division of sedimentary systems and correlation of coal seams. Seismic sequence interpretation is based on seismic section to identify different Uncoformities and the corresponding interfaces and carry out lateral correlation for the tracing and closure. Based on abundant seismic sections in the Northwest Xinjiang and Heshituoluogai basin and drilling data and interpretation of well log is studied seismic sequential stratigraphic characteristics of Middle-Lower Jurassic Series in the basin and 2 interfaces of order 2, 6 interfaces of order 3, 1 sequences of order 2, 7 sequences of order 3 recognized. In Badaowan formation are recognized 3 sequences of order 3. Sangonghe formation is divided into 2 sequences of order 3, Xishan formation 2 sequences of order 3. In high standard system track SQ1, lake expanding system track SQ7 and high standard system track SQ7 generally occur coal seams but the main coal seam in highstand system track SQ7.
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