Result of general prospecting and potential analysis of brine resource in the west of Wuqiangxian county, Hebei province
投稿时间:2018-12-21  修订日期:2019-01-25
中文关键词:  卤水矿  储存特征  勘查前景  武强县西部  河北省
英文关键词:brine  storage features  exploration prospect  west Wuqiangxian county  Hebei province
张朝辉 河北省地矿局第三水文工程地质大队, 河北 衡水 053000  
赵素杰 河北省地矿局第三水文工程地质大队, 河北 衡水 053000  
邢晓晨 河北省地矿局第三水文工程地质大队, 河北 衡水 053000 352331748@qq.com 
刘晓平 河北省地矿局第三水文工程地质大队, 河北 衡水 053000  
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      对武强县西部古近系沙河街组二段、三段砂岩施工1眼卤水矿验证孔,其水质矿化度为91.1 g/L,成功验证了卤水矿的存在;利用分层止水技术,进行了5组分层抽水,初步了解了卤水含水层富水性特征及卤水化学成分、矿化度、密度、酸碱度与水化学类型;对沙河街二段及三段的各卤水层段的卤水特征进行了分析,结合离子配合顺序,对卤水中有用化合物的含量进行了换算,评价了卤水品位,以及对卤水中矿化度、氯化钠、氯化钾、碘离子、锂离子的含量随采样深度的变化趋势进行了研究。本文可为区内进一步开展深藏卤水矿勘查、开发提供参考。
      A drill hole is operated at Member 2, 3 of Palaeogene Shahejie formation to check brine occurring there and brine is encountered with salinity 91.1 g/L. Layered water sealing technique is applied to layered water pumping of 5 aquifer groups. Watery characteristics of aquifers and chemical composition, salinity, density, acidity and alkalinity and the chemical trype of the brine is generally known. According characteristics of the brine and ion coordination sequence useful chemical compounds in the brine are calculated and the grade is determined. Change tendency of salinity, NaCl, KCl, iodine ion and Li ion to depth are analyzed. The data lay a foundation for further prospecting brine in the area.
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