The Comprehensive Appliation of Physical and Chemical Prospecting Technique in the Exploration of Tungsten and Molybdenum Ore of Liqiwan, Qimen County
中文关键词:  粒七湾钨钼矿  化探异常  激电异常  综合物化探方法  安徽省
英文关键词:Liqiwan tungsten molybdenum ore  chemical anomaly  IP anomaly  integrated geophysical-geochemical technique  Anhui province
张恩厚 华东冶金地质勘查局物探队, 安徽 芜湖 241004 
摘要点击次数: 1324
全文下载次数: 1081
      Geochemical anomaly usually directly shows the degree of concentration of shallow strata elements, locating the ore-bearing position of underground rock formations by IP and an organic combination of these two works better. In this paper, according to the characteristics of the Liqiwan tungsten molybdenum ore closely associated with pyrite and the more abundant tungsten molybdenum ore is accompanied by pyrite, the range of underground metal sulfide mineral enrichment is delineated by IP anomalies, and combined with geochemical tungsten molybdenum anomalies, the prospecting effect is good. The application practice shows that there is geochemical exploration tungsten-molybdenum anomaly on the surface of the earth and there is no excitation electrical anomaly under the ground. There may has tungsten molybdenum deposit underground if both are anomaly. This can help to locate the similar deposits in this regionr.
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