The biomineralization of phosphorites from the Sinian Doushantuo Formation in Weng'an, Guizhou
投稿时间:2015-10-31  修订日期:2015-10-31
中文关键词:  陡山沱组  白云质磷块岩  有机地球化学  贵州瓮安
英文关键词:Doushantuo Formation, dolomitic phosphorite, organic geochemistry, Weng'an in Guizhou
密文天* 内蒙古工业大学矿业学院 010051
摘要点击次数: 852
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      Biological accumulation of phosphorus was an important factor for phosphorite sedimentary directly or indirectly. The marine phosphorites had closely contact with the biomineralization. Phosphogenesis emerged in the Sinian Doushantuo Formation in Guizhou province. The biological prosperous event in these period may primarily responsible for the phosphorus deposit. From the perspective of genesis, Sinian phosphorite in Weng'an was investigated. The biomarker analysis of the dolomitic phosphorite samples has been carried out, and the hydrocarbons fractions contained n-alkanes,terpanes, steranes and so on. The result indicated that the sources of the organic matters in phosphorite came from algaes and bacteria.Carbon isotope compositions of individual n-alkanes showed the single biological components and more features of lower aquatic organisms. Dolomitic phosphate formed in more oxidation sedimentary environment.
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