Effect of application of EH-4 electromagnetic sounding to prospecting in Phapon Au deposit in Laos
中文关键词:  爬奔金矿  电磁测深  EH-4  老挝
英文关键词:Phapon  Au deposit  Electromagnetic sounding  EH-4  Laos
赵振华 天津华北地质勘查总院, 天津 300170 
牛英杰 天津华勘矿业投资有限公司, 天津 300170 
刘建权 天津华勘老挝矿业有限公司, 天津 300170 
孔祥栋 天津华北地质勘查总院, 天津 300170 
刘钧沅 天津华北地质勘查总院, 天津 300170 
刘仕刚 天津华北地质勘查总院, 天津 300170 
摘要点击次数: 24
全文下载次数: 12
      The previous EH-4 electromagnetic profile survey is effective to locate deep fault, contact zone and karst cave in Phapon Au deposit but can not meet retirement of revealing burried situation of limestone and reflecting actual information of deep structure due to top-graphic influence, sounding depth and information interference. This time long EH-4 electromagnetic sounding profile survey is conducted to explore new prospecting direction and make clear spatial change of limestone and charactteristics of faults under cover of sandstone. EH-4 electromagnetic sounding profile A, B and C are measured. Two major EW faults are relatively located, four ore-bearing fractures inferred, boundaries of sandstone, siltstone and limestone outlined through measurement of profile B and C. To depth of profile C values of resistability field measured differ from those of profile A and B. The different value is inferred to be from older Cambrian and ordovician strata. The electromagnetic sounding method is mature and reliable and provide big sounding depth and abundant detail information. Especially it is effective to detect deep geological bodies and visually reflects morphology of the bodies and location, occurrences of deep structures with lower cost. The method should be popularized.
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