Analysis on application of 3D geological modeling and numerical simulation of shale gas in Zhengan area, Guizhou province
中文关键词:  页岩气  三维地质建模  水力压裂  数值模拟  正安地区  贵州省
英文关键词:shale gas  3D geological modeling  hydraulic fracturing  numerical simulation  Zheng’an area  Guizhou province
石盛 贵州大学喀斯特地质资源与环境教育部重点实验室, 贵阳 550025  
王甘露 贵州大学资源与环境工程学院, 贵阳 550025 m15286300272@163.com 
蓝宝锋 贵州能源产业研究院有限公司, 贵阳 550025  
李绍鹏 贵州能源产业研究院有限公司, 贵阳 550025  
摘要点击次数: 309
全文下载次数: 212
      This papaer deals with the shale gas reservoir in Block A, Zheng’an area, Guizhou Province. Software petrel is applied to build 3D models of data from seismic interpretation, drilling, well logging data etc., such as the 3D structural model, 3D geodynamic model and natural fracture model of the shale gas reservoir. Then the reservoir structural morphology and the geometric distribution characteristics of natural fractures were characterized. On the basis of the above 3D models, the stress shadow, natural fracture distribution characteristics, proppant settlement and migration and the actual operation the numerical simulation of artificial fracture expansion in block A of Zheng’an area and the numerical simulation of post-compression productivity were carried out, and the overall model fitting rate was high. The construction method and practical application of the shale gas reservoir models can provide reference for the development of similar gas reservoirs.
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