Geological characteristics, ore controlling factors and genesis of fluorite deposits in Northeast Guizhou
中文关键词:  萤石矿  地质特征  控矿因素  矿床成因  贵东北地区
英文关键词:fluorite deposit  geological characteristics  ore-controlling factors  genesis of deposit  Northeast Guizhou province
基金项目:贵州省新一轮找矿突破战略行动地勘基金项目(编号:黔自然资函[2022]632 号)资助。
鲜绍军 贵州省有色金属和核工业地质勘查局地质矿产勘查院, 贵阳 550005  
罗俊峰 贵州省有色金属和核工业地质勘查局地质矿产勘查院, 贵阳 550005 363964899@qq.com 
黄艺 贵州省土地矿产资源储备局, 贵阳 550004
自然资源部基岩区矿产资源勘查工程技术创新中心, 贵阳 550081 
袁睿 贵州省有色金属和核工业地质勘查局地质矿产勘查院, 贵阳 550005  
谢选雄 贵州省有色金属和核工业地质勘查局地质矿产勘查院, 贵阳 550005  
摘要点击次数: 345
全文下载次数: 534
      The Lower Ordovician carbonate fluorite deposit in northeastern Guizhou province is one of the main types of fluorite deposits in Guizhou province. This paper deals with geological characteristics, ore controlling factors and genesis of the representative Shuanghe and Honghuayuan fluorite deposits in Guizhou province. The bioclastic limestone of the Lower Ordovician Honghuayuan formation and Tongzi formation are the most favorable ore-bearing horizons and the Meitan formation plays a physical barrier role in the mineralization process. NE-NNE fault zone developed in the core of the NE-NNE anticlinorium is ore-guiding structure, NE and NW secondary faults beside the anticlinorium are ore-distributing structure, the NW-NWW faults developed in the bioclastic limestone of the Honghuayuan formation and Tongzi formation on both sides of the anticlinorium ore-storing structures. Honghuayuan formation and Tongzi formation at the two limbs of the anticlinorium meet requirement of the guiding, distributing and storing conditions and Tongzi formation the favorable ore-hosting stratum. Blind ore prospecting should be focused on the extension direction of the known ore-storing structure to Meitan formation. The variation of pressure, temperature lithology is the main factors of fluorite precipitation from hydrothermal fluid. The fluorite deposits in Northeast Guizhou province belong to medium low temperature hydrothermal fracture filling type.
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