Application of remote sensing interpretation to geological mapping at scale 1: 50000 in Ejinaqi area of Inner Mongolia
中文关键词:  遥感地质解译  1:5万地质填图  岩性与构造解译  区域地质调查  额济纳旗  内蒙古自治区
英文关键词:remote sensing interpretation  geological mapping  Lithologies and structural interpretation  regional geological survey  Ejinaqi  Inner Mongolia
于洪苹 首钢地质勘查院地质研究所, 北京 100144  
杨国良 首钢地质勘查院地质研究所, 北京 100144 10511500@qq.com 
滕正双 首钢地质勘查院地质研究所, 北京 100144  
摘要点击次数: 640
全文下载次数: 629
      Remote sensing technology has been an important tool for geological mapping. Facing landscape of Gebi desert of Ejinaqi area data of No.3 Resources Satellite of China and ETM+ are chosen to be the raw data for geological mapping in the area. Images are geometrically calibrated and mosaiced. The Ejinaqi area is not developed with vegetation, bed rock and Gebi exposed to the ground and image of No.3 satellite of China is monotonous grey. The calibrated images of the two satellites are fused. The fused image keep both of high spatial resolution of the No.3 satellite's image and multi-color information of the ETM+ Image so as to facilitate information extraction of mineral resources by human-computer interaction. Based on features of the image and comprehensive analysis and interpretation of the geological data of the area are established the interpretation marks of stratum, intrusions and structures. Information related to lithologies and structures is extracted which improve accuracy the geological mapping. The method will provide technical support for geological mapping in other desert areas.
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