Influence of rainfall on remote sensing geological information extraction in arid and semi-arid area
投稿时间:2021-01-29  修订日期:2021-06-22
中文关键词:  遥感  地质信息  半干旱地区  蚀变遥感信息  波谱特征  河北省
英文关键词:remote sensing  geological information  semi-arid area  remote sensing alteration information  spectral characteriscs  Weichang area in Hebei province
栾卓然 河北地质大学河北省战略性关键矿产资源重点实验室, 石家庄 050031
河北地质大学地球科学学院, 石家庄 050031 
吕凤军 河北地质大学河北省战略性关键矿产资源重点实验室, 石家庄 050031
河北地质大学地球科学学院, 石家庄 050031 
赵志远 河北水文工程地质勘察院, 石家庄 050021  
王梦然 河北省水文工程地质勘查院, 石家庄 050021  
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全文下载次数: 596
      According to 80 days' climatic situation of Weichang area in Hebei province data of Spot-6 and OLI, ETM+ from 3 scences before and after rainfall are collected to extract geological information of alteration, rock types, ring structure and linear structure and spectrum of rocks are measured before and after rainfall respectively. Data after rainfall can effectively reflect the remote sensing geological information. In the 3 scenes are developed linear structure. Rainfall bring water content higher in the linear and ring structure and chloritization zones than in their surroundings thus they become contrasty and more recognizable on satellite images than on those before rainfall. Field check shows that iron stain information extraction from the after rainfall images is generally better than that from the before rainfall. The extraction of Hydroxyl anomaly is basically the same.
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