Mineral and geochemical characteristics of sedimentary metamorphic Mn deposits in the northeast Hubei province
投稿时间:2020-11-17  修订日期:2021-05-21
中文关键词:  沉积变质型锰矿  矿物学特征  地球化学特征  沉积环境  鄂东北
英文关键词:sedimentary metamorphic Mn deposit  mineralogical characteristics  geochemical characteristics  sedimentary environment  northeast Hubei province
吴飞 湖北省自然资源厅地质勘查基金管理中心, 武汉 430071 
尤静静 湖北省地质局第六地质大队, 湖北 孝感 432000 
徐学金 湖北省地质局第六地质大队, 湖北 孝感 432000 
蒋之飞 湖北省地质局第六地质大队, 湖北 孝感 432000 
陈松 湖北省地质局第六地质大队, 湖北 孝感 432000 
邹院兵 湖北省地质局第六地质大队, 湖北 孝感 432000 
屠江海 湖北省地质局第六地质大队, 湖北 孝感 432000 
刘锐 中国地质大学(武汉)资源学院, 武汉 430074 
方洁 湖北省地质局第六地质大队, 湖北 孝感 432000 
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全文下载次数: 748
      The Northeast Hubei province at the North margin of the Yangtze block is the sedimentary metamorphic Mn deposit-clustered area in Hubei province. Guangshui-Huangpi-Qichun Proterozoic sedimentary metamorphic Mn ore belt trending SEE-NEW is developed here. The Mn deposit occurs in the Neoproterozoic Hongan group. The paper deals with mineralogy and geochemistry of Yingzuishan, Sifangshan, Sunchong Mn deposits. Rhodochrosite, pyrolusite, psilomelane, hausmannite and partchinite are the main ore minerals. The ore is complicate in chemical composition with relative Co, Ni, Zn, Sr, Ba, etc enrichment. w(Th)/w(U), w(V)/w(Cr) ratios show weak oxidation-reduction sedimentary environment; w(SiO2)/w(Al2O3), w(Fe+Mn)/w(Ti), w(Fe)/w(Ti), w(Al)/w(Fe+Mn+Al), w(Y)/w(Ho), w(La)/w(Ce), the characteristic value and w(SiO2)-w(Al2O3), w(Fe/Ti)-w(Al)/w(Fe+Mn+Al) plot, incorporation of hot water during the ore-forming process of the Mn deposits in the area and the hot water provides abundant ore materials.
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