The sequential InSAR technology-based study on surface subsidence of Jinchuan Cu-Ni mining area, Gansu province
投稿时间:2020-07-23  修订日期:2021-04-03
中文关键词:  金川铜镍矿  时序D-InSAR技术  SBAS-InSAR技术  Sentinel-1A影像  地表沉降  甘肃省
英文关键词:JinChuan Cu-Ni deposit  sequential D-InSAR technology  SBAS-InSAR technology  Sentinel-1A image  surface subsidence  Gansu province
李强 四川省冶金地质勘查院, 成都 610051
国家遥感中心绵阳科技城分部, 四川 绵阳 621010 
王卫红 国家遥感中心绵阳科技城分部, 四川 绵阳 621010
西南科技大学环境与资源学院, 四川 绵阳 621010 
杨宁 国家遥感中心绵阳科技城分部, 四川 绵阳 621010
西南科技大学环境与资源学院, 四川 绵阳 621010 
熊高翔 四川省冶金地质勘查院, 成都 610051  
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李凯 四川省冶金地质勘查院, 成都 610051  
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      文章采用时序InSAR技术对甘肃省金川铜镍矿区域地表沉降规律开展研究。利用Sentinel-1A干涉影像,基于SBAS-InSAR技术和时序D-InSAR技术,反演2018年1月—11月金川铜镍矿区域地表沉降。经过2种技术结果对比及验证分析表明,2018年矿区有2个沉降漏斗,分别是西二采区5-7行和老矿坑。西二采区5-7行的最大沉降速率为-14 mm/a,雷达视线向累积最大形变量为13 mm,地面形变呈平稳态势;老矿坑东南方存在明显的沉降,沉降最大速率为-85 mm/a,雷达视线向累积最大形变量为78 mm。
      On basis of the SBAS-InSAR technology and time series D-InSAR technology Sentinel-1A interference images are used to retrieve the surface subsidence of Jinchuan Cu-Ni mining area from Jan. to Nov.2018. Comparison analysis of the two technologies' result shows that in 2018 occur two subsidence funnels in the mining area. One is at row 5-7 of the West 2 mining area, the other at the old pit. The maximum subsidence of the West 2 mining area is -14 mm/a, the cumulative maximum deformation in the radar line of sight 13 mm, the surface deformation stable. Severe subsidence is at the southeast of the old pit where the maximum subsidence rate is -85 mm/a, the cumulative maximum deformation in the radar line of sight 78 mm.
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