Study on the characteristics and prospecting potential of Taipingzhen REE deposit in Xixia county, Henan province
投稿时间:2020-11-12  修订日期:2021-03-24
中文关键词:  稀土矿床  地质特征  找矿标志  太平镇  豫西地区
英文关键词:rare earth deposit  geological characteristic  prospecting criteria  Taipingzhen  the west Henan province
张同林 河南省核工业地质局, 郑州 450044 
王俊 河南省核工业地质局, 郑州 450044 
温国栋 河南省核工业地质局, 郑州 450044 
张盼盼 河南省核工业地质局, 郑州 450044 
摘要点击次数: 818
全文下载次数: 715
      太平镇稀土矿床是河南省首个新发现的中型稀土矿床,填补了河南省稀土矿的空白。通过近几年的勘查在该矿区共发现稀土矿化带7条,圈出稀土矿体17个,估算稀土氧化物总量超过17×104 t。文章通过系统梳理分析太平镇稀土矿床的矿区地质、矿体特征,基于详细野外调研及室内测试分析认为:①太平镇稀土矿床是以Ce、La、Nd、Pr为主的轻稀土矿矿床,最主要的矿石矿物为氟碳铈矿;②稀土矿体严格受北西向构造破碎带控制,围岩为加里东期斜长花岗岩和二郎坪群火神庙组变质岩;③放射性及萤石矿、金矿等采矿遗迹,围岩硅化、黄铁矿化、萤石化、重晶石、绢云母化和褐铁矿化,石英-方解石-辉钼矿、石英-重晶石-方解石-氟碳铈矿-黄铁矿、石英-萤石-重晶石-氟碳铈矿、褐铁矿-褐帘石-黄铁矿-蓝铜矿-氟碳铈矿-萤石-重晶石-方解石矿物共生组合是找矿标志;④太平镇-板山坪复式背斜核部附近发育加里东期张性断裂带的部位是寻找太平镇式稀土矿的远景区。
      Taipingzhen REE deposit is a newly discovered medium rare earth deposit in Henan province, which fills the gap of rare earth deposit prospecting of the province. 7 rare earth mineralization belts have been found in recent years. There are 17 rare earth ore bodies have been delineated with total estimated rare earth oxides reserves more than 170,000 tons. Based on a comprehensive and systematic analysis of the geological and radioactive characteristics of the Taipingzhen REE deposit, detailed field observation and test data analysis, this paper shows that: 1) Taipingzhen rare earth deposit is a light rare earth deposit mainly composed of Ce, La, Nd, Pr, and the main ore mineral is bastnaesite; 2) The REE ore bodies are strictly controlled by NW trending structurally fractured zone, and the surrounding rocks are Caledonian plagioclase granite and metamorphic rocks of Huoshenmiao formation of Erlangping group; 3) The criteria to evaluate REE ore in Wall rock alteration, mineral assemblage, radioactivity and mining relic has been proposed, which is of guiding significance to the further REE ore exploration in this area. 4) The paper also points out that the direction of prospecting the type of Taipingzhen REE deposit is in the Caledonian tensional faults near the core of Taipingzhen-Banshanping anticlinorium.
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