Application of integrated geophysical prospecting method to check of ground aeromagnetic anomaly in Dasuji-Saihudong area of Damaoqi area, Inner Mongolia
投稿时间:2019-07-30  修订日期:2020-03-27
中文关键词:  高精度航磁测量  航磁异常地面查证  高精度磁测  激电异常  内蒙古自治区
英文关键词:high-precision aeromagnetic survey  ground check  high-precision magnetic survey  IP anomaly  Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region
田亮 中国冶金地质总局地球物理勘查院, 河北 保定 071051 
田甜 中国冶金地质总局地球物理勘查院, 河北 保定 071051 
刘建霞 中国冶金地质总局地球物理勘查院, 河北 保定 071051 
董根旺 中国冶金地质总局地球物理勘查院, 河北 保定 071051 
梁建 中国冶金地质总局地球物理勘查院, 河北 保定 071051 
张鹏 中国冶金地质总局地球物理勘查院, 河北 保定 071051 
摘要点击次数: 770
全文下载次数: 810
      High-precision aeromagnetic survey data at scale 1:50 000 in the Damaoqi area in the central part of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region are detaily analyzed and researched and the integrated geophysical prospecting method is applied to make ground check on 4 aeromagnetic anomalies in Dasuji-Saihudong polymetallic prospecting research area. Integrated analysis of cahracteristics of geology, mineral resources and geophysics show that anomly C-1967-160 and C-2013-175 is possibly caused by esdimentary-metamorphic iron ore and IP anomly C-1967-170 and C-2013-118 should be considered as the clue for polymetallic prospecting and weak anomly with low amplitutde value also the clue. High precision aeromagnetic survey data and ground check based on regional geological and mineral resources is an important tool to guide iron ore and polymetallic mineral resources prospecting.
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