Geochemical characteristics of selenium in soil of Wuhu county, Anhui province And agricultural development of the Se-rich soil
投稿时间:2019-11-17  修订日期:2020-03-17
中文关键词:  芜湖县  土地质量  地球化学特征  富硒土壤  开发利用  安徽省
英文关键词:Wuhu county  land quality  geochemical characteristic  selenium-rich soil  development  Anhui province
毕大超 华东冶金地质勘查局物探队, 安徽 芜湖 241009  
唐科远 华东冶金地质勘查局物探队, 安徽 芜湖 241009 wtdtky@126.com 
摘要点击次数: 951
全文下载次数: 807
      安徽省芜湖县土壤硒背景值含量高,足硒和富硒土壤面积占县域面积的99.53%,成片分布的富硒土壤总面积达51.19 km2。土壤硒主要来源于成土母质,具有明显的继承性。富硒土壤环境质量良好,氮、磷、钾、有机质及微量元素养分丰富。富硒土壤多呈弱酸性,硒的生态效应偏弱、农作物对硒的吸收偏差,可通过土壤改良可提升硒的生态效应。大宗农产品样品检验分析呈现多富硒,且达到绿色食品标准,该地区富硒土地资源具有良好的农业开发利用前景。
      Background value of selenium in soil of Wuhu county is high. Area of the Se-sufficient and Se-rich soil accounts for 99.53% of the whole county area. Area of stretches of Se-rich soil is totally 51.19 km2. Th selenium mainly comes from the parent material of soil and shows obvious inheritance. The environmental quality of selenium-rich soil is good, and the nutrients of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, organic matter and trace elements are suficient. Selenium-rich soils are mostly acidic with weak ecological effect and the absorption of selenium by crops also weak. The ecological effect can be improved by soil improvement. Analysis of the sample from bulk agricultural products showed that Wuhu county is abundant with Se-rich land resources and the selenium content reaches the standard of green food showing a good prospect for agricultural development.
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