Geological characteristics and ore-controlling factors of Huanxi bauxite deposit in northern Guizhou province
中文关键词:  浣溪铝土矿  地质特征  控矿因素  黔北地区
英文关键词:Huanxi bauxite deposit  geological characteristic  ore-controlling factors  northern Guizhou province
莫光员 贵州省有色金属和核工业地质勘查局核资源地质调查院, 贵阳 550005 
吴启美 贵州师范大学, 贵阳 550001
贵州省山地环境信息系统与生态环境保护重点实验室, 贵阳 550001 
顾业平 贵州省有色金属和核工业地质勘查局六总队, 贵州 凯里 556000 
摘要点击次数: 1582
全文下载次数: 819
      Huanxi Bauxite Deposit belongs to diasporite sedimentary bauxites deposit which was formed on paleo-erosion weathering surface of carbonate rock of Carboniferous Huanglong formation, or erosion discontinuity surface of clay rock, shale, sandstone of Silurian Hanjiadian formation. The amount of bauxite resources exceeds 20 million tons. Study of the deposit showed that the quality of ores at surface was better than those to depth, i.e., medium content of iron and low sulfur; ores to depth are of medium Fe content and high sulfur; the ore is mainly composed of Al2O3, SiO2, Fe2O3 and materials of ignition loss, about 95%~98% of the total, and Al2O3 is negatively correlated with SiO2; Gallium, lithium were major beneficial elements. The formation of ore deposit was controlled by lithology, syncline structure, paleoclimate and paleo-sedimentary environment. Bauxite ore occur under condition of semi-closed bay and warm and wet paleoclimate environment.
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