Division of potential geothermal resources zones in the Wumishan Formation in Tianjin
中文关键词:  地热资源  雾迷山组  开采系数  潜力区划  天津
英文关键词:geothermal resources  Wumishan Formation  mining coefficient  potential zoning  Tianjin
刘杰 天津地热勘查开发设计院, 天津 300250 
宋美钰 天津地质资料馆, 天津 300042 
秦莉红 天津地热勘查开发设计院, 天津 300250 
于彦 天津地热勘查开发设计院, 天津 300250 
林溦 天津地热勘查开发设计院, 天津 300250 
康楠 天津地热勘查开发设计院, 天津 300250 
摘要点击次数: 1164
全文下载次数: 942
      天津地区属于典型的中低温沉积盆地型地热区,地热资源丰富,现已被广泛地应用于地热供暖、生活用水、温泉洗浴等各个方面,取得了显著的社会经济效益。雾迷山组地热资源在天津地区分布广泛,是天津地区最主要的开采层之一。本文通过收集截至2015年底150眼雾迷山组地热井的数据资料,计算得出区内雾迷山组热储在回灌条件下地热资源可采量为14.108×108 m3,地热流体可采热量47.021×1016 J/a,折合标准煤1 604.814×104 t/a,并对雾迷山组热储层的地热流体热量开采系数、最大水位降速和地热流体热量潜力模数三个指标综合考虑,确定地热资源开发利用潜力,可为今后雾迷山组地热流体的勘查和开发利用提供参考。
      Tianjin area is the typical medium-low temperature sedimentary basin-type geothermal area with abundant geothermal resources. The resources has been widely used in central heating, domestic use, hot springs bath and other aspects, and significant social and economic benefits achieved. Geothermal resource in Wumishan Formation of Jixian System (Jxw) is widely distributed in Tianjin area and the formation is one of the most important mining layer. Calculation based on the data coolected from 150 geothermal wells by the end of 2015 shows that the recoverable geothermal resource under the condition of reinjection is 14.108×108 m3, the recoverable heat of geothermal fluid is 47.021×1016 J/a, equivalent to 1 604.814×104 t/a of standard coal. The geothermal fluid heat mining coefficient, the maximum water level deceleration and geothermal fluid heat potential modulus are comprehensively considered to determine exploitation and utilization potential of the resource and provide the basis for the exploration and development of geothermal fluid of Jxw in the future.
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