Exploration guided by study on ore-forming fluid inclusions-a case study of Yuka orogenic gold deposit in north margin of Qaidam basin
中文关键词:  鱼卡金矿床  造山型金矿  成矿流体包裹体  流体包裹体面  成矿流体运移  矿产勘探  柴北缘  青海省
英文关键词:Yuka gold deposit  orogenic gold deposit  ore fluid inclusion  integral distribution face of the fluid inclusions  migration of ore forming fluids  mineral exploration  north margin of Qaidam Basin  Qinghai province
蔡鹏捷 中国地质大学(武汉)地质调查研究院, 武汉 430074  
许荣科 中国地质大学(武汉)地质调查研究院, 武汉 430074 xurongke1968@126.com 
郑有业 中国地质大学(武汉)地质调查研究院, 武汉 430074
中国地质大学(武汉)资源学院, 武汉 430074 
范贤斌 西藏百悦矿业有限公司, 拉萨 850000  
马超 新疆地质矿产研究所, 乌鲁木齐 830000  
白杰 中国地质大学(武汉)资源学院, 武汉 430074  
陈鑫 中国地质大学(武汉)资源学院, 武汉 430074  
俞军真 中国地质大学(武汉)资源学院, 武汉 430074  
摘要点击次数: 1362
全文下载次数: 898
      Yuka gold deposit is a medium-low temperature orogenic gold deposit formed in medium depth environment with fluid inclusion dominated by liquid and CO2-H2O phase and variable ratios of CO2/H2O. According to the geological characteristics, migration and variation of physical-chemical parameters and analysis of the integral distribution face of the fluid inclusions it is considered that formation of the ore body and the spatial distribution is controlled by conductive system of the ore fluid. Generally the ore fluid moved from SE to NW with local lateral flow and the center is characterized by multi-phase fluids. Drilling detected SE pitch of ore body. Center of the ore fluid is located at southeast part of deposit area coinciding with study of the fluid thus exploration of the deposit can be guided by results of the study.
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