Application of audio magnetotelluric sounding to deep ore prospecting in Wangjiabuzi block of Qidashan Fe deposit
投稿时间:2018-04-02  修订日期:2018-09-03
中文关键词:  齐大山铁矿王家堡子采区  音频大地电磁测深  找矿预测  鞍山市  辽宁省
英文关键词:Wangjiabuzi blpck of Qidashan Fe deposit  audio magnetotelluric sounding  prospecting prediction  Wangjiapuziblock  Anshan city  Liaoning province
刘明军 辽宁省冶金地质勘查研究院有限责任公司, 辽宁 鞍山 114038 
王洪波 辽宁省冶金地质勘查研究院有限责任公司, 辽宁 鞍山 114038 
于昌明 中国科学院地质与地球物理研究所, 北京 100029 
摘要点击次数: 1345
全文下载次数: 1023
      鞍山齐大山铁矿王家堡子采区产出鞍山式沉积变质型铁矿,铁矿石多以磁铁贫矿为主,局部产出富铁矿,目前钻探工程控制标高为-600 m,采区深部的资源潜力是急待解决的问题,为此对采区进行音频大地电磁测量和研究工作。齐大山铁矿的电性变化复杂,通过先期的实验剖面确定了矿区铁矿体的3种不同电阻率特征,然后对王家堡子采区的3760线、4050线、4500线进行音频大地电磁测量、数据处理和断面反演分析。推测3760线的低阻由磁铁贫矿引起,局部高阻为假象赤铁贫矿引起;推测4050线和4500线浅部的低阻由磁铁贫矿引起,深部的高阻为假象赤铁贫矿及磁铁贫矿引起。同时预测3760线、4050线和4500线西侧深部均有低电阻率显示,反映出隐伏铁矿床的存在特征,推测在-1 000 m标高以下仍存在有隐伏的富矿体或板状磁铁贫矿。经过钻探验证,获得了预期的找矿效果。
      In Wangjiabuzi block of Qidashan Fe deposit in Anshan city occurs Anshan style sedimentary-metamorphic Fe ore. The ore is generally poor dominated by magnetite but rich ore occur locally and is controlled to elevation -600m by drilling. Audio magnetotelluric sounding survey was conducted to solve the urgent problem of ore potential evaluation to depth in the block. The deposit is complicated in electric property. Based on the pre-existing experimental section are determined 3 types of different resistivity characteristics then the survey conducted along line 3760, 4050 and 4500 of the block and the data processed and inversion analysis of the sections completed. It is deduced that at line 3760 the low resistivity is caused by poor magnetite ore and local high resistivity by pseudomorphic hematite; shallow low resistivity by poor magnetite ore and deep high resistivity by pseudomorphic hematite at line 4050 and 4500. Display of low resistivity at west side of line 4050 and 4500 is the reflection of blind ore body to depth. It is predicted that blind rich ore body and tabulate poor magnetite ore body occur beneath elevation -1000m and the prediction verified by drilling.
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