Study on basic sequence and section model of Hongla Formation of Mesozoic Lower Triassic series in Benxi area of the eastern Liaoning province of China
投稿时间:2017-10-23  修订日期:2018-03-23
中文关键词:  本溪地区  三叠系下统  红砬组  基本层序  剖面模型  辽宁省
英文关键词:Benxi area  Lower Triassic series  Hongla Formation  basic sequence  section model  Liaoning province
吴子杰 吉林大学地球科学学院, 长春 130061
辽宁省地质勘查院, 辽宁 大连 116100 
张国仁 辽宁省地质勘查院, 辽宁 大连 116100 
摘要点击次数: 1504
全文下载次数: 1085
      文章依据辽宁桥头等四幅1︰5万区调资料,运用沉积学、地层学、层序地层学等现代前缘地学理论,首次系统地对辽东本溪地区中生界三叠系下统红砬组进行基本层序划分及剖面模型研究。研究结果表明,区内红砬组出露齐全,底顶界面清楚,为一套河流相沉积的红色岩系;其从下至上共划分出11个基本层序,内部由四个沉积单元组成。总体上每一个基本层序代表了一个由河道→边滩→河漫滩的曲流河沉积层序,因受当时沉积环境差异,各细层在每个基本层序中发育程度不同,有的被兼并,有的不发育;基本层序的平均厚度为34.5 m。对每一种基本层序内部组成、沉积环境进行了详细地论述,并在此基础上建立了该组剖面模型,计算出四个沉积单元的厚度比例为A层13%、B层24%、C层14%、D层49%。
      Based on data from 4 sheets of geological map of Qiaotou area etc. at scale 1:50000 the modern earth science frontiers' theories, shuc as sedimentology, stratigraphy and sequential stratigraphy are first used to study the basic sequence and section model of Hongla Formation of Mesozoic Lower Trassic Series in Benxi area of Liaoning province. The result shows that Hongla Formation is completely exposed with clear top and bottom interfaces. It is a red river sedimentary sequence. From bottom to top the sequence is divided into 11 basic sequences and 4 sedimentary units. Generally, each basic sequence represents a river way→marginal bank→flood plain curved river sedimentary sequence. Due to their different sedimentary environments development of their each thin layer is varied. Some times the thin layer is merged or not developed. The basic sequences are averagely 34.5 m thick. The constituent and sedimentary environment of each basic sequence are detailed. Based on the details section model of the formation is built. Thickness percentage of the 4 sedimentary units are calculated, i.e. unit A, 13%, unit B 24%, unit C, 14%, unit D 49%.
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