The remote sensing data-based discovery of Baobei Fault and Its Significance for Mineral Prospecting in Hatu area, Western Junggar, Xinjiang
投稿时间:2016-10-10  修订日期:2017-04-09
中文关键词:  哈图地区  ETM+  ASTER  Quickbird  宝贝断裂  新疆
英文关键词:Hatu  ETM+  ASTER  Quickbird  Baobei fault  Xinjiang
王军年 新疆地质矿产局第七地质大队, 新疆 乌苏 833000 
刘磊 长安大学地球科学与资源学院, 西安 710054 
周军 长安大学地球科学与资源学院, 西安 710054 
胡志军 新疆地质矿产局第七地质大队, 新疆 乌苏 833000 
纪征宝 新疆地质矿产局第七地质大队, 新疆 乌苏 833000 
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      Hatu area is situated at the hanging wall of the Darbut fault with favorable structural and thermodynamic conditions and many gold deposits and occurrences discovered. This research uses multi-remote sensing data to explore mineralization in the Hatu area. Firstly, HSI coding method was used to process ETM+ data to enhance and interpret faults. Secondly, ASTER and matched filtering were adopted to extract alteration minerals. Thirdly, high-resolution Quickbird data was utilized to interpret small intrusions and quartz veins. Finally, all the results were analyzed synthetically to identify some targets. The result shows that the HSI coding ETM+ image is effective to interpret the main faults and secondary faults in the area. The alteration information is coincident with the known deposits. The Baobei fault was identified between Anqi fault and Darbut fault. A new alteration belt composed of muscovite, kaolinite and chlorite was extracted along Baobei fault and two small acid intrusions and a number of quartz veins were interpreted using Quickbird data. Through field inspection of the intrusions and quartz veins, a number of weak copper and gold mineralization locations were discovered for the first time. The result brings new geological knowledge of the region's metallogeny and provides some new directions for mineral exploration in the future.
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