Numerical simulation of delamination in the east Kunlun orogenic belt
中文关键词:  东昆仑造山带  拆沉作用  数值模拟  岩浆活动
英文关键词:the east Kunlun orogenic belt  delamination  numerical simulation  magmatic activity
詹华明 天津华北地质勘查局地质研究所, 天津 100370 
罗照华 中国地质大学(北京), 北京 100083 
林舸 中国科学院边缘海地质重点实验室, 广州地球化学研究所, 广州 510640 
摘要点击次数: 1881
全文下载次数: 1022
      Based on the Late Paleozoic-early Mesozoic Geological-physical model building of the East Kunlun orogenic belt software FLAC was used to simulate the delamination of eclogite lithosphere formed after underlay of mantle derived magma and the dynamic mechanism. The results show that the lithospheric delamination did happen after the mantle derived magma underplating with varied delamination in the north, central and south of Kunlun areas and magmatic activities in the peridotite, eclogite and intermediate-acidic granulite areas. No delamination occurs in Qaidam region, only sink, and many fractures at top of the high density layer(eclogite). This paper discussed the relation of delamination to large scale magmatic activities and formation of basin and the C type adakite. We consider that the special nature of the mafic rocks is the direct force leading to the delamination. The deep constraint of the lithosphere is controlled by the amount and range of the delamination. It is proved that the lithosphere delamination of the east Kunlun orogenic belt triggered the formation of the Qaidam Basin and a series of hydrothermal deposits.
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