Research on metallogenic and geological characteristics of Panshan granite body in Jixian county of Tianjin city
中文关键词:  盘山岩体  花岗岩  成矿特征  水平分带  天津市
英文关键词:Panshan granite body  metallogenic characteristics  horizontal zoning  Tianjin
闻秀明 天津市地质调查研究院, 天津 300191 
朱翔鹏 天津市地质调查研究院, 天津 300191 
张全 天津市地质调查研究院, 天津 300191 
朵兴芳 天津市地质调查研究院, 天津 300191 
王卫星 天津市地质调查研究院, 天津 300191 
摘要点击次数: 1754
全文下载次数: 1223
      Comprehensive study on regional geological survey at scale 1:50000 and geophysical and geochemical survey at large scale and prospecting data of some mines show regular spatial distribution of mineralization types at Panshan granite body. Almost all the types are concentrated at inner or outer contact zones between the granite and enclosing rock. The mineralization is zoned horizontally. The small medium-high temperature tungsten bearing quartz vein type deposits are developed at the inner contact zone, the skarn type magnetite and cupreous magnetite etc at the outer contact zone, the skarn type molybdenum、copper at outside of the outer contact zone, hydrothermal type lead zinc、silver etc at outermost side. The mineralization of Panshan granite body is mainly controlled by the temperature and pressure conditions then by ore fluid property and the structural and wall rock conditions. The mineralization is formed in multi-stages.
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