Characteristics of the host rock of the skarn type Fe deposits at Ta'ershan area in Shanxi province and its control on the iron ore
投稿时间:2015-03-13  修订日期:2015-08-29
中文关键词:  塔儿山地区铁矿  夕卡岩型矿床  富镁碳酸盐岩  含石膏碳酸盐岩  控矿作用  晋南
英文关键词:Fe deposits at Ta'ershan area  skarn type Fe deposit  Mg-rich carbonate rock  the gypsum-bearing layer  the ore-control factor  The south Shanxi province
黄克杰 中国冶金地质总局第三地质勘查院, 太原 030002 
摘要点击次数: 2062
全文下载次数: 1695
      The skarn Fe deposit at Ta'ershan area is the main type of Fe deposit in Shanxi province. The host rock of the deposit is dominated by the Middle Ordovician carbonate rock which is composed of 7 members belonging to Lower Majiagou formation, Upper Majiagou formation and Fengfeng formation respectively. Compositionally, carbonate rock in the area is more dolomitic materials and less pure carbonate reflecting alternating upper tidal lagoon, upper tidal salt flat and lower tidal continental shelf sedimentary facies. Most of the carbonate rock is rich in MgO with CaO/MgO=2.63-5.51 belonging to calcite dolomite or dolomitic material-rich limestone. During hydrothermal metasomatism dolomitic limestone, cal-dolomite turned to Mg-skarn rock series dominated by diopside-flogopite skarn, diopside skarn and flogopite skarn. The Fe ore bodies occur in the Mg-skarn. The Middle Ordovician carbonate rock control on the Fe ore is characterized by occurrence of the most Fe deposits in the Mg-skarn altering from the Mg-rich carbonate rock. Magnesium in the host rock tends to reduce temperature and viscosity of the magma and transfers Fe from silicates resulting in formation Mg-skarn and accumulation of Fe. The gypsum-bearing layer is important. It dose not only improve physiochemical behavior of the magma and hydrothermal fluid for promotion of alteration and mineralization but also provides space for ore body thus is one of the key factors for the skarn type Fe deposits-clustered area.
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