Geochemical characteristics of selenium in Changshou district,Chongqing
中文关键词:  长寿地区  土壤  Se元素  地球化学特征  重庆市
英文关键词:Changshou District  soil  selenium  geochemistry  Chongqing city
龚晓波 四川省地质矿产勘查开发局一〇六地质队, 成都 611130 
廖阮颖子 四川省地质矿产勘查开发局一〇六地质队, 成都 611130 
孟標 四川省地质矿产勘查开发局一〇六地质队, 成都 611130 
郭道军 四川省地质矿产勘查开发局一〇六地质队, 成都 611130 
摘要点击次数: 1736
全文下载次数: 1821
      The paper presents content level of selenium in surface soil and the spatial distribution in soil, and its relation to eight heavy metal elements, such as Selenium, Pb, Zn, Hg etc. and pH value. Iterative method procession of the Se data shows that its average background value is 0.14×10-6, a low selenium level. Selenium content of the town area is significantly higher than in the farmland area and locally reaches the Se-enriched level. Distribution of Selenium in soil is mainly affected by strata, lithology and local characteristics of the soil. In the Middle-Lower Jurassic Series Ziliujing Formation and Xintiangou Formation, selenium content is reducing gradually from the older to the younger but in middle -upper Jurassic Shaximiao Formation to Penglaizhen Formation is opposite, increases from the older to the younger. With the increase of Selenium, the content of As, Cd, Cr, Cu, Pb and Zn increase gradually showing positive correlation (P<0.01), and content of Hg、Ni increase slightly. Increase or decrease of Se is not obviously correlated to pH value.
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