Geological characteristics and metallogenesis of Fuahuxi gold deposit in the west Hunan province
中文关键词:  符竹溪金矿特征  柱状富集  垂直分带  成矿作用  深边部找矿  湘西地区
英文关键词:Characteristics of Fuzhuxi gold deposit  column enrichment  vertical zoning  metallogenesis  marginal prospecting  the west Hunan province
潘灿军 湖南有色地质勘查局二四五队, 湖南 吉首 416007
湖南新龙矿业有限公司, 湖南 新邵 422900 
鲍振襄 湘西矿产资源综合研究发展中心, 湖南 乾州 416017 
包觉敏 湘西矿产资源综合研究发展中心, 湖南 乾州 416017 
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全文下载次数: 2069
      Fuzhuxi gold deposit occurs in purple red slate of Madiyi Formation of Neo-Proterozoic Banxi Group and is controlled by the regional EW Fuzhuxi fault and the sub-faults derived from it. It is a fault-controlled meso-epithermal fluid-filling vein type gold deposit with stratabound feature. The ore materials come from the deep source. The ore veins extend more along dip and characterized by pitching and column enrichment. The ore veins in the major ore zone get close to depth and tend to merge into a huge thick ore body. Metallogenically Sb, Au show close relation to intermediate-acidic magmatic rock body in time and space thus the latter could be the prospecting mark for ore. Sb-Au mineralization shows clear vertical zoning and is controlled by thermal dynamics of the intermediate-acidic magmatic rock body. It is possible to find different type of mineralization and ore to depth. Study on the deposit shows larger metallogenic space to depth and potentiality at SE extension of vein group V1, V2 and the granitic porphyry dyke zone and it is inferred that could occur porphyry Au-Sb mineralization.
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