Geological characteristics and metallogenic model of Yechangping molybdenum deposit, Henan province
投稿时间:2013-06-18  修订日期:2014-04-18
中文关键词:  夜长坪钼矿床  地球化学特征  成因  河南省
英文关键词:Yechangping Mo deposit  geochemical characteristics  genesis  Henan province
肖光富 中国黄金集团中原矿业有限公司, 河南 三门峡 472000  
丁高明 中国黄金集团地质有限公司, 北京 100011 dinggaoming@126.com 
晏国龙 中国黄金集团地质有限公司, 北京 100011  
张鹏程 中国黄金集团地质有限公司, 北京 100011  
任继刚 中国黄金集团地质有限公司, 北京 100011  
肖淳 中国黄金集团地质有限公司, 北京 100011  
王全乐 中国黄金集团地质有限公司, 北京 100011  
摘要点击次数: 1929
全文下载次数: 1823
      Yechangping molybdenum deposit is porphyry-skarn type mesothermal molybdenum deposit in East Qinling molybdenum metallogenic belt. The Mo deposit is controlled by Longjiayuan Fm. dolomite of Guandaokou Group and hided acid hypabyssal granitic-porphyry intruding into Yechangping anticline in Yanshan period. Ore bed was in the contact zone of skarn, stacked lenticular, central convex and tilted extending to the surrounding. Taking use of Micromine software,the writer set up 3-D model of the orebodies and then analysed the spatial distribution rules of orebodies and ore types. Based on the analysis of major elements, trace elements and REE, and geochemical characteristics of fluid inclusion, metallogenic model of the Yechangping Mo deposit was established in combination with isotopic dating to determine era of rock-form and ore-form.
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