Geological characteristics and ore exploration marks of the Wurinitu tungsten-molybdenum deposit in Sunitezuo county,Inner Mongolia
投稿时间:2011-06-24  修订日期:2011-11-08
中文关键词:  乌日尼图钨钼矿  矿床地质特征  找矿标志  内蒙古自治区
英文关键词:Wurinitu tungsten-molybdenum deposit  geological features of the deposit  ore marks  Inner Mongolia
王弢 内蒙古自治区地质调查院,呼和浩特 010020 nmgwt@163.com 
尚恒胜 内蒙古自治区地质调查院,呼和浩特 010020  
邵积东 内蒙古自治区地质调查院,呼和浩特 010020  
赵月明 内蒙古自治区地质调查院,呼和浩特 010020  
王守光 内蒙古自治区地质调查院,呼和浩特 010020  
李四娃 内蒙古自治区地质调查院,呼和浩特 010020  
摘要点击次数: 2287
全文下载次数: 1967
      The large-size Wurinitu tungsten-molybdenum deposit is discovered in the Erenhot-East Ujimqin, Inner Mongolia during implementation of Land resources survey program. The ore bodies occur mainly as veins and lenses in the outer contact zone between Yanshanian fine-grained granite and sandy slate of Middle-Lower Ordovician Wubinaobao formation and are obviously controled by tectonic fractures. Mineralization is varied spatially. The disseminated ore is in the Yanshanian fine-grained granite, the skarn ore at the contact between the fine-grained granite and calcareous slate and hydrothermal ore in the fractures of Wubinaobao formation. The hydrothermal ore vein is dominant. The wall rock alteration is well developed and silicification and pyritization are closely related to ore bodies. Genetically, the deposit is the generalized porphyry tungsten-molybdenum deposit.
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